And we're off!
Holy Cow, things have been moving very quickly in my world lately. Since my last blog (my apologizes for the long break in-between) so much has happened! If I remember correctly my last blog was just before my husband and I went to a wedding (without the kids) which means that just before we left for the weekend, I received my revisions from my editor. For those of you who, like me before I received said revisions, didn't know what they involve, I'll try my best to explain. I can only speak from my experience and how my editor did them and I can only assume every editor is different, so please don't take my word as this is how it has to be done. My editor, let's call her Victoria, sent me a two and half page revision letter. Upon opening it, I gave a nervous squeak and then started reading. It wasn't so bad. I have heard of horror stories where editors rip apart a manuscript and want the whole story changed, but Victoria didn't do that. She was very gentle for my first time (hee hee, don't mind the pun). The letter wasn't full of demands or even requests, but questions to make me think and dig deeper into my characters and my story. I absolutely loved it. I had so much fun 'working' on my revisions. Granted, I only had 15 days to complete all the changes...and I made a lot of changes, but I still loved it. In the meantime, my house was a complete disaster and the only thing I managed to do other than write and do the school run was make lunch and dinner and I must say, that was a near thing some days too. Don't let anyone tell you that writing Romance is romantic. 'Cause it's not. It has taken me four days to catch up on laundry and dishes alone. Thank goodness my kids finally cleaned up their mess in the living room (it only took the threat of me burning all of their Lego they left on the floor for me to step on, to get them moving), but the rest of the house is still not company proof. Actually, after tonight, no one's allowed in...the dishes are starting to pile up again. A friend and I have started looking for a OCD house cleaner to share between our two places; someone who will make the place shine while I'm holed up in my fantasy land. Where was I? Oh yes, revisions. I had my revisions to Victoria on the 24th, as requested. On the 19th I received my contract. In a word? Confusing! The actual contract itself is quite straight forward, but the terms and conditions are very 'legal' and long winded, as most legal things are. I have just had time to read them all the way through tonight, and hopefully will be signing them very soon...and then I can tell you who is publishing my book! Which is a good thing, because I was told today that they are hoping to publish my book at the end of April. Like I said, things are moving very fast. Especially since my contract said it would be 18 months before publication. Also in my contract it has the delivery date (sounds like I'm pregnant, doesn't it? (I'm so Not!)) of my second book. It is due to the publisher on July 14th...of this year. Did I mention it took me three years to write my first book? However, I was writing my first book as a hobby. This one I will be writing as work. Time to pull the finger out, so to speak. I feel as though I am on a rocket ship, off to see the stars. Part of me can hardly wait to get there, but another part of me just wants to enjoy the ride.
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March 2020