I've come to the conclusion that the holiday is over. You know the one between Christmas and New Years? I know, it's actually January 28th today, but I've enjoyed having my kids around, I haven't really seen the point in getting stuck into it yet. There's always tomorrow, I say. Tomorrow I'll get those character sketches done for my next book, tomorrow I'll do the GST for the farm, tomorrow I'll wash the dishes ;). Well, I think that today, Tomorrow has arrived. I actually washed the dishes yesterday, not that you can tell by looking at my kitchen bench at the moment! I think I'll stop using plates and we can eat directly from the pots and pans. (see picture below)
Today I am writing. I find it super fascinating when things come together. For example, I've been working on book number two or at least what I thought was book number two, when I had a scene flash into my mind and I realised as I frantically wrote it down, that the book I was working on needed to be bumped to number three or maybe even number four. Another story needed to be told first. I needed to figure out a plot point and although I knew what the end was, I needed to figure out how to get there. After throwing ideas around with a friend something magical happened and the stars aligned to reveal the perfect situation that answered all the questions. I love my job. Do you ever have days like these? Days you never want to end because all is flowing as it should? I love these days and as I write, I find more and more of them. My editor sent me an email the a couple of days ago letting me know that my contract was coming along and I should have it in my hot little hands in a few weeks. She also told me she will have my revision letter to me soon. I'm strangely looking forward to that. At least I assume it's strange. What I hear from other writers is the revision letter is something to be dreaded because of all the work it represents. There will be things I need to fix and some of those things I may not be happy about. But I am looking forward to it. I really want to see what I did right and what I can improve. I look at this as a learning experience and I'm sucking up all the knowledge I can. If I can learn something from the revision letter that will help me with my writing, well bring it on! Enjoy your day and be sure to include something in it that you love to do. This weekend I am taking part in a rolling blog with some fellow writers. Our topic is 'Getting Inside The Writer's Head', so stay tuned.
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I've got pictures! My fantastic friend, John Ireland has taken some pictures of me. He's even worked miracles and made me look good. So, I have a job for you. I need help deciding which picture will grace my book, and my website and Facebook and anything else that needs my picture. ![]() Option number one is my 'serious' face. Actually, it is me trying not to smile. ![]() Option number two is me with my super cheesy grin. My sister has the very same one and for those of you who know me, this is often the expression you will find on my face...unless you find me with option number three... ![]() Okay, actually option number three is not an option. This is so not going to be my cover shot. I believe this is the result of John saying after the last picture, 'maybe not so big' and right before I doubled over in mirth. I just can't pull off the 'small smile'. So there you have it kids, three, I mean two options. Please let me know what you think. Once we pick a picture I'll send the chosen one off to my editor, set up my Facebook fan page and maybe even try to figure out Twitter.
Things are starting to come together. Thanks for your help guys. Since my last post, which wasn't that many days ago, a lot has happened. I told you I would let you follow me on this journey, so here we go.
I have been overwhelmed by well wishes and good lucks from many friends and family, even from people I don't know, which amazes me that someone I have never met would take the time to wish me well and send congratulations my way. So thank you, it really is appreciated. The amazing thing about technology is that I can see how many people have visited my website, and I must say, I didn't even know I knew that many people! Also since I last posted here, my editor (still yet to be revealed :)) has sent me all sorts of information to look over and tasks to complete. Here I thought all I had to do was write books! Seems that's not the case. The cool thing is, I get to have input about the cover design (I've heard some publishers just make the cover and if you don't like it, tough lumps.), although I must admit a background in marketing would be helpful...which I don't have. I'm also in need of a Facebook Author page, which brings us to the next thing...a picture. Yes, I need a picture. I know there is one of me on this website and on my personal Facebook page, but let's be honest, it's crap, and I don't really want it to be my 'official' picture (maybe I should have thought of that before putting it on here :)). Luckily, I have a friend (yes, I know, shocking isn't it?) that just happens to be a professional photographer and has very nicely offered to take a picture of me (without even too much bribing). Hopefully he can defy reality and make me look stunning. No pressure... Let's see, she's also sent information on how to set up accounts on Twitter, Goodreads and Pinterest and how to set up a blog tour. Phew. See what I mean? I know some of you are thinking, what's the big deal? And probably a lot of you have pages on all these sites, but I am out of touch. On purpose. I just don't know if I have anything interesting enough to post and until recently I didn't even check my Facebook more than once a month. Don't get me wrong, I'm finding this all interesting and I always like a challenge, but I guess I wasn't expecting everything to happen all at the same time! In retrospect it was less than three months from when I finished my manuscript to when I received my two book offer. No wonder it seems like everything is happening all at once! My journey began awhile ago, quite awhile ago actually. I have always written stories, at least for as long as I can remember. And I always hold conversations with imaginary people in my head (maybe I shouldn't be admitting this), but it wasn't until my Grandmother died that I seriously thought of writing a novel. Why then of all times, you ask? Well, my Gramma Lee was an exceptional lady and lived a life worth writing about. I now wish I thought to write about her while she was still alive so that I could ask questions, but, such is life. The book I started writing about her turned into a fiction novel about a lady that could have been her. The truth is, no one would believe all the things my Grandma accomplished in her lifetime. So, it has morphed into something else, plus it makes things easier when I don't have all the right information. Although I started writing this book in 2008, it is not yet finished, which brings us to the next novel.
I started writing Accidental Time Traveller when I had written myself into a corner with my grandmother's book. I decided to try to write something fun and easy (if I had only known!). I also decided I needed help, so I joined Holly Lisle's How to Think Sideways online course. It was here that I learned to 'call down lightning' and the idea for Accidental Time Traveller was born. I encourage anyone interested in writing a novel to check out her site http://www.hollylisle.com I joined The Romance Writer's of New Zealand (RWNZ)(http://www.romancewriters.co.nz) and was amazed by all the wonderful women involved in the group. I couldn't believe there was enough people in New Zealand writing romance novels to form an organisation of any size, let alone the one I found. I got my butt to Auckland for my first Romance Writer's conference in 2012. Even though I 'pitched' my novel to editors and agents, I still hadn't got around to finishing the damn thing yet. I entered the RWNZ Pacific Hearts Contest in February of 2013 and was please to make the top ten. This pushed me to actually finish the book so I could enter the semi-finals. Although I didn't place so well in the end, it encouraged me to edit my novel and submit it into another contest, this time an international one. Again, I made it through to the next round, this time to the top 50 out of 641 entries. I couldn't believe it. I waited on pins and needles to see if I got into the top ten, but alas, my name was not on the list. However a few weeks later I received a very unexpected email from an editor who had read my entry. She told me she loved my book but it wouldn't fit into any of their lines, so she was wondering if she could pass my manuscript on to someone else on my behalf. Uh, ya, of course you can. Just before Christmas I received an email from a publisher wanting to offer me a two book contract! I am now waiting to sign the contract. When I do, I can let you know who it is with ;) Along the way I have learned many things. Many things about writing, but more importantly things about myself. Probably the most important thing I've learned is to BELIEVE and EXPECT the things I want, long before anyone else can see them on the way. Follow me on this journey and see where it goes. |
AuthorI am an author and this is my story. Categories
March 2020